How SiC Works in Expanded Space Missions?

How SiC Works in Expanded Space Missions?

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XC9572XL-10VQG44I, a compound material composed of carbon and silicon. SiC acts as a semiconductor and exists in nature in the form of the extremely rare mineral moissanite. SiC has good resistance to radiation and low power loss, making it particularly suitable for space missions. SiC can operate at higher temperatures than conventional silicon materials and has higher durability in the radiation-intensive environment of space.

As a result, SiC is used in systems such as power electronics, sensors and communications equipment in missions such as satellites, deep space probes and space stations, providing more stable and efficient support for space exploration.

Physical/Chemical Properties of SiC

SiC boasts a hardness of up to Mohs 9.5, second only to diamond. It has excellent thermal conductivity, a low thermal expansion coefficient, remarkable wear resistance, and chemical stability. Therefore, SiC is widely used to make wear-resistant coatings, refractory materials, and electric heating elements. For example, it can form a wear-resistant coating on turbine blades or cylinder walls to extend equipment life. Additionally, lower-grade SiC serves as an effective deoxidizer in steelmaking, helping to enhance steel quality.

SiC has a variety of crystal structures, of which the most common α-SiC has a hexagonal crystal system structure, which is formed at high temperatures, while β-SiC has a cubic structure and is suitable for heterogeneous catalyst carriers. SiC also has wide bandgap semiconductor characteristics, through the doping can be obtained P-type or N-type semiconductor, it is often used in high-power electronic components. In addition, SiC has a high sublimation temperature and microwave radiation coupling, so it excels in high-temperature applications and heating equipment.

Basic Structure of SiC

XC9572XL-10VQG44I is a typical binary compound semiconductor material with a tetrahedral crystal structure unit, either as SiC₄ or CSi₄, where the distance between two adjacent Si or C atoms is 3.08 Å, and between Si and C atoms, it’s approximately 1.89 Å. In SiC crystals, Si and C atoms form strong tetrahedral covalent bonds (bond energy of 4.6 eV) by sharing electron pairs in sp³ hybrid orbitals.

Pure SiC is colorless and transparent, while industrial SiC can appear in colors like light yellow, green, blue, or black due to impurities. SiC crystals mainly form in hexagonal/rhombohedral (α-SiC) and cubic (β-SiC) structures, with over 70 polytypes of α-SiC based on stacking sequence. β-SiC, which converts to α-SiC above 2100℃, has a higher surface area suited for catalyst supports but limited commercial use. Industrially, SiC is produced by refining quartz sand and petroleum coke in an electric furnace, then processed through crushing, acid-base washing, magnetic separation, and sizing to create various SiC grades.

Advantages of SiC in Spacecraft Power Electronics

SiC offers significant advantages in spacecraft power electronics, particularly through the use of SiC-based power converters in power management systems — an advancement crucial for the aerospace industry. SiC operates with much higher efficiency than traditional silicon, meaning every bit of energy conserved can extend mission duration and significantly reduce power conversion losses.

Additionally, SiC’s superior thermal performance allows it to function effectively at extremely high temperatures, reducing the need for complex cooling systems typically required to prevent silicon components from overheating. SiC-based electronics also have great potential for miniaturization, enabling the development of smaller, lighter power systems — a key factor in deep-space missions. The reduced size and weight of SiC systems directly translate to increased payload capacity, longer mission durations, and enhanced capabilities for further space exploration.

SiC in Space Missions

XC9572XL-10VQG44I plays an important role in near-Earth orbit missions, deep space exploration, space stations, and other long-duration missions. In near-Earth orbit, spacecraft encounter periodic thermal cycling and radiation exposure. The high thermal conductivity and radiation resistance of SiC allow it to operate reliably in these environments, enhancing overall system reliability and reducing cooling requirements. This reduction helps save mass and space, freeing up more room for payload.

For deep space exploration and space stations, SiC's durability is especially important. Additionally, since energy resources are limited to deep space missions, SiC offers higher power conversion efficiency, conserving valuable energy and thereby extending mission duration.


SiC is one of the indispensable materials for space missions, advancing space exploration and technology. Looking ahead, SiC has great potential for the next generation of space missions, not only to support efficient power systems and miniaturization of electronic devices, but also to facilitate new applications and breakthroughs in space technology.SiC is expected to pave the way for longer-lasting missions, more far-reaching explorations, and the development of advanced spacecraft systems that will continue to expand our exploration of the universe.

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